My family and I set out to create a place in the Texas Hill Country where people could gather to truly listen to songwriters sing their songs and tell their stories. This room has been inspired by other storied establishments but mainly by Kent Finlay’s Songwriter Circle at the Cheatham Street Warehouse where I and many others cut their teeth.
--Dallas Burrow, Proprietor

The Redbird "Listening" Room - It’s in the name! This is a listening room, which means once the music starts, there is no talking. It’s a place to listen to songwriters sing their songs and tell their stories. We are not a bar or club. We are here to appreciate and LISTEN to the music, performed by the people who wrote the songs.
Where to Buy Tickets - redbirdlisteningroom.com/events Tickets can ONLY be purchased from The Redbird. TICKETS ARE NON-TRANSFERABLE. Do not buy tickets thru other websites or social media comments stating they have extra tickets or can't make it. These are not valid sales and tickets will not be honored.
Waitlist - With limited tickets available for each show, the show you are wanting to attend may be at capacity, but our waitlist is open!! If the show you are wanting tickets for is Sold Out, you can join our waitlist at https://wkf.ms/3GCCMuD. If we have any tickets become available, we will contact you in the order requests are received.
Drinks & Food - We sell Ramblers, sodas and coffee. We also have Redbird Charcuterie Plates prepared especially for us by the Huisache Grill. Outside food and/or drink is not allowed except for BYOB Beer or Wine.
B.Y.O.B. Beer or Wine - We are NOT a licensed bar and we do NOT sell alcohol. We are a BYOB Beer or Wine live music venue.
Corkage/Cooler Fee - There is a $10 per group Corkage/Cooler Fee on ticketed shows on Wednesday, Thursday, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays. There is no fee on Thursday Songwriters’ Nights.
Age Restriction - While we have no official age restriction, we require attendants remain silent & respectful during our shows. We leave it in your hands to carefully consider whether your young concert goers are ready for a listening room. No electronics or talking allowed, regardless of age.
Songwriter's Nights - Songwriter Nights are every Thursday. Doors open at 6pm. Songs start at 7pm. Each participant will perform 2 original songs time permitting. Bring a guitar and a song or just come listen. $10 suggested cover at the door. On occasion, songwriter night will be moved to Tuesday if a ticketed show is scheduled on the Thursday that week.
Songwriter Series - Songwriter Series shows are ticketed events. They are Intimate Solo/Duo Acoustic Shows. There are 60 tickets sold per show. Sunday, show at 4 pm. All other shows at 7:30 pm. Doors open 30 mins prior to show.